Investigate the past, change the future

Escape Fake is a free-to-play, augmented reality game, which takes the players through a digital escape room in order to fix the future by debunking fake news.



Our offer

Immersive XR


The Escape Fake game offers an immersive way to learn about mis- and dis-information. All you need to play are the app and the printed markers. 



The toolkit shows how to use Escape Fake in the classroom. You can also download presentations, walkthroughs for each room and worksheets. 



The course for educators includes an overview of concepts in media education,  strategies to diffuse disinformation, and approaches to tackle it.


Game story

In a not too distant future, humanity is living in a post-truth world. Escape Fake starts with a friend request on social media from a quantum reality hacker. By scanning the markers, combining 3D objects, and answering quizzes, you will uncover the truth and “escape the fake”.

Who is it for

  • Young people, aged 12-18
  • Teachers and educators for classroom use
  • Parents and families

  • Anyone who enjoys an escape room game

Why Escape Fake

  • Playful learning
    With Escape Fake, learning about fake news is exciting, challenging and rewarding.

  • Immersive experience
    By exploring augmented objects, Escape Fake feels as real as any escape room.

  • Engaging storyline
    Interact with a history hacker, to find out what is fake about the story and change the future.

  • Critical thinking
    Explore objects, find clues, solve riddles and put everything together to find out the truth.

  • Play anywhere
    You can play Escape Fake in the classroom, during a workshop or at home. All you need is to download the app and print the markers.

  • Ideal for educators
    Combine Escape Fake with lectures and presentations, and involve students in debunking fake news.

Will you uncover the truth and escape the fake?



What educators say

"Escape Fake is a great way to deal with the topic of fake news in a playful way. The game offers many points for implementation in practice and is a great addition to other methods on the topic of fake news."

Dennis Kranz
media pedagogue, City Library Rostock

"Through the interactive format of Escape Fake, varied and interesting experiences can be gained. The topic is conveyed in a low-threshold and vived way. It does not feel forced or school-like."

Lucas Opheiden
media pedagogue, City Library Minden

"Easy to integrate in workshops, but - especially in libraries - also a self-runner! Hang it up and everyone can use it whenever he/she feels like it!"

Michelle Milz
Librarian, City Library Wolfsburg


About Us

The team behind Escape Fake

Polycular is an interactive design and technology studio that pairs creativity and technological innovation to create experience spaces in the real and virtual world. With over 20 years of work experience, we create meaningful and playful experiences in AR and VR that make products, concepts or brands stand out from the crowd. Well-crafted storytelling, state-of-the-art technology, and a gameful approach are underlying qualities that shape our products and services. Alongside our work for clients, we develop self-driven projects rooted in the sense of social responsibility about the role of technology in shaping a future world.


The Escape Fake development team covers a wide range of skills including creative production, design and development, media education and user-centred design. We are supported by our partners who bring complementary knowledge in media education, media monitoring, learning, journalism, rule of law and cultural production: Dpa (Deutsche Presse Agentur, Germany), Waag Futurelab (Netherlands), Expert Forum (Romania), La Fabbrica (Italy) and ProProgressione (Hungary).

Escape Fake 2.0 is co-funded by the European Union through the Creative Europe programme. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for. Escape Fake is co-funded by EMIF managed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. 


Escape Fake 1.0 won the Advocate Europe Award, out of 500 submissions. We also received the Vienna Content Award for the most creative project and were the Austrian winner in the education category at the World Summit Awards.